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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the universe. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Discover Your Joy….

How about you ?

Do you feel free and strong enough to live your full potential ?

Or do you let your fear of other people’s judgement restrain you from doing so ?

How does it serve the world if we all strive to be the average person ‘John Smith’ or ‘Jan Modaal’ ?

How would the world look like if we all did ?

if we all averaged out our specificity, our potential to shine

ooh … and guess what … your specificity will be cheered for by some and ‘boooo-ooood’ by others

Remind yourself  “… people that mind don’t matter and people that matter don’t mind” – Dr. Suess

English translation below

“Il y a une façon de marcher qui fait de nous des touristes, une façon de marcher qui fait de nous des randonneurs, une façon de marcher qui fait de nous des pèlerins. Il ne s’agit pas d’opposer l’un à l’autre. Marcher comme un touriste, c’est peut être marcher sur l’écorce de la terre; marcher comme un randonneur, c’est connaître la sève de ce monde, entrer dans cette sève, ce mouvement, dans cette énergie même de l’univers et revenir le soir avec les senteurs de la nature, les sons de la forêt, la beauté des paysages. Marcher comme un pèlerin, c’est marcher avec le souffle qui donne vie à la sève, avec ce qui nous anime et nous permet de nous tenir droit dans la lumière.”
– Jean-Yves Leloup

Free English translation
“You can walk like a tourist, like a hiker or like a pelgrim. The goal is not to oppose one to the other. Walking like a tourist is possibly walking on the crust of the earth; walking like a hiker is knowing the energy of this world, entering in this energy, this movement and come back in the evening with the odors of nature, the sounds of the forest, de beauty of the landscape. Walking like a pelgrim is walking with the breath that gives live to the energy, with what is animating us and allows us to hold ourselves upright in that light.
– Jean-Yves Leloup

I would like to draw the parallel with the 5 Rythms of dancing (see interesting sites) :
Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrics, Silence
They also represent a different way or depth of being. All 5 can be interesting to us depending on the situation that we are in. The goal is to play with them and to adapt them to our current situation.

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.”
– John R. Wooden

Also interesting is his pyramid of success see

“Mindfulness is kijken in de spiegel. Met gesloten ogen. Kijken naar jouw denken, je gedachten. Ze zien en er niet in mee gaan. Zitten en kijken binnenin. Je emoties voelen, zonder erin de verdrinken. Ze omhullen, zonder ze te verdringen. Je lichaam voelen, weten hoe het voelt. Opmerkzaam zijn voor al wat er is in jou. Met aandacht hier, nu, helemaal.”
– Mindfulness voor kinderen, Pim Catry en Jan Decuypere

Free Englisch translation :
“Mindfulness is looking in the mirror. Eyes closed. Looking at your thinking, your thoughts.
Seeing them and not going along with them. Sitting and looking within. Feeling your emotions, without drowning in them. Enwrapping them, without suppressing them. Feeling your body, knowing how it feels. Observing everything that is in you. With attention here, now, entirely”                             – Mindfulness voor kinderen, Pim Catry en Jan Decuypere

The more effort you put into something, the more energy you will lose. The more energy you put into something, the more effortless it becomes.”
–Dr. Topher Morrison, author,  Settle for Excellence

As my ‘vacation’ of 12 months is shortening with 2.5 months left I am looking together with my boss’es where I would like to go next. 3 options are open with an absolute preference for a new carreer in HR. Why? Together with my coach I have completed a grid (keep, wish, no longer want, want to avoid) which has highlighted in big lines my wish to shift from a task oriented to a relation oriented job. This is were my interests lie. This is were I want to put my energy in. The other options would require a lot of effort again with possible loss of energy (and that puts me back in the initial starting point of my sabbatical – only … I only have the right to take one year of sabbatical paid 🙂 )

I have no previous specific HR experience. However in my role as a line manager I have performed plenty of ‘HR’ tasks like recruting permanent and interim staff, developing my staff and I had to make one person redundant as well. I know the HR tools my company uses quite well as a user. I suppose I would maybe miss out on specific legal knowledge and HR vocabulary and specific experience about the do’s and don’t of this business (what works and what doesn’t). I strongly believe that with a strong aspiration to learn and to grow in the business I can acquire or overcome this initial shortcomings.

My coach advised me yesterday to create a possible plan with SMART goals describing how I could reach this goal. I plan to work on this this week.

I am quite happy having a clearer view on what I want now. Thank you coach(es).

In my environment people that do yoga, meditate or eat vegetarian or even follow a training to become a coach are still often viewed as ‘weirdo’s’ or lost in time hippies. I have grown up in an environment were making money is an important driver and most of my friends or study colleagues have jobs in commercial companies. When I talk about meditation and the inner me (I believe I didn’t dare to share this yet with my friends) they often look at me in a strange way… or is that me interpreting this?
I know for sure that my parents, brothers and sister find this all quite odd.

It became suddently very clear to me recently that this is withdrawing me to fully go for this style of living. My inner ‘saboteur’ warned me not to exclude myself from ‘normal’ live, to fully take part of it.
I understand now that it also refers to my ever present fear or reluctance to be different from others. I have always admired people that dared to stand out of the group.

Suddenly a quote came to my mind that I have read in the book ‘De grote stilte’ written by Miek Pot (see my former post) :

Mystiek is
slapen, eten
stoffen, mediteren
koken, fietsen
boodschappen doen
overwegen en bidden

free English translation :
Mystic is
sleeping, eating
cleaning, meditating
cooking, byking
considering and praying

Personally I would leave out the praying, but overall I like the understanding that meditation is just another part of normal live, just as all the other ‘ordinary’ stuff we do.

The quote is so simple and clear in the same time.

I will keep this quote in mind for when my inner ‘saboteur’ is warning me back again 🙂