You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2009.

Hello there

As part of my ICA coaching graduation I write a research paper on tunnel vision versus broad vision.

You could wonder how I got fascinated by the subject.

During my coaching I experience that we all have it hard opening up to possibilities outside our own limited world that we see now. For instance this typically shows up when people are looking for new carreer opportunities. They feel unhappy where they are now. And still they find it hard to look outside the experience they have build till now. Off course it is good to look at what you have gained as experience and build on that. But still that omits people to look behind that. To dream big. What do I want to do? Who do I want to be? in case I hadn’t any restriction.

In what directions I am looking at?

In first instance I am looking at what makes us limit our view. And then I come to the functioning of the brain. Currently I am reading a book from Edward de Bono – I am right, you are wrong. He clearly describes how the very functioning of the brain makes us filter what we see and this in turn limits us to return to the big patterns in our brain that were formed based on our experience. We get into a kind of circular movement : we look at the world and our possibilities through the lens of our patterns which filters what we see, thus what we see confirms that our patterns are right which reinforces our patterns and strengthens our filter …

What I am looking at is: what makes us look outside of circular movement of our brains? What tools do exist that I can use during my coaching sessions for my clients to also see other possibilities?

Edward de Bono speaks about: provocation, any given word. I will discover as I move forward in the book how they could serve for me in my coaching.

Also he mentions a program he developed to teach ‘thinking’ at schools called CORT (Cognitive Research Trust).

So in case you can help me with clues to broaden my view on possible tools or share your experience in this area, let’s discuss here on my blog.

I will be sharing my discoveries with you on this blog. Let’s interchange information, thoughts, feelings, …

Ready to receive an abundance of information : )



Please check out my coaching model – Fluid Goal Oriented Coaching on a new seperate page on this blog.

Feel free to contact me in case you want to explore !

