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“Mindfulness is kijken in de spiegel. Met gesloten ogen. Kijken naar jouw denken, je gedachten. Ze zien en er niet in mee gaan. Zitten en kijken binnenin. Je emoties voelen, zonder erin de verdrinken. Ze omhullen, zonder ze te verdringen. Je lichaam voelen, weten hoe het voelt. Opmerkzaam zijn voor al wat er is in jou. Met aandacht hier, nu, helemaal.”
– Mindfulness voor kinderen, Pim Catry en Jan Decuypere

Free Englisch translation :
“Mindfulness is looking in the mirror. Eyes closed. Looking at your thinking, your thoughts.
Seeing them and not going along with them. Sitting and looking within. Feeling your emotions, without drowning in them. Enwrapping them, without suppressing them. Feeling your body, knowing how it feels. Observing everything that is in you. With attention here, now, entirely”                             – Mindfulness voor kinderen, Pim Catry en Jan Decuypere

Another book that I would like to share with you is the book ‘De kracht van meditatie’ by Joan Goldstein and Manuela Soares, editor Omega boek, Amsterdam (the original English version is mentioned in the title).

It is an ideal book for people that have no anterior experience with meditation. You will find specific instructions for starting meditation including a 4-week program to start your regular meditation practise.

The meditation that I have been trained in and that I perform is
anapana meditation : concentration on or ‘feeling’ beneed the nose and above the upperlip => this helps me to ‘master my mind’
vipassana meditation : see or for the full information
metabana meditation : focus on love, peace, harmony, compassion
I found this meditation forms highly effective for myself even given the fact that I am quite a new-comer in this area (I started beginning this year).
They bring me inner peace and they permit me to stay more equonomous in live. I see things more easily through a different perspective. I look and feel but not necessarily react directly or impulsively.

I have picked up this book without any specific references, I have found it on the bookshelf in my local bookshop. The title translated as ‘The big silence’ appealed to me.

And yes, I have read it in one day.

It gave me such a feeling of recognition of what I have been going through, searching the silence within meditation. I have put post-its on the pages that I wanted to share with you or highlight but my book is now full of it so I can only recommend you to read the book.

It is very conceize and written in a clear language. Too me it seems like a good short introduction to meditation and what it could mean for you but also, as it was for me, it can serve as a confirmation of what you are living is similar for anyone on that same road.

It is written from a catholic background. My meditation training was given from a boedist background. Amazing that the content, experiences are so similar. This shows that as I was thaught during my meditation training the whole experience is not linked with any religion or conviction, it is universal.