Hi there,

I find it a challenge to stay in balance now that I am starting a new job (new in content and company) and wanting to develop my coaching practise.

A full time job in a quite busy environment during the day time. In the evening coaching, reading people development books and taking some coaching classes. In between I want to spend some time with my husband and daughter. I also work on softening our communication. I am also organizing a birthday party for my daughter this Saturday (15 young and exciting kids of 8 to entertain for 3 hours). And in everything I do I want to be good.

With this schedule I am currently leaving out my personal time (doing yoga, taking tango classes) and time to keep up with my friends.

Choices ! That is what it is all about… setting priorities and enjoying the choices that I have made and not bothering about the things that I have left out. Choosing what I love and loving what I do.

I need to reflect on the different elements in my life and the time spend on them and evaluate …

What about you ? How are you dealing with the overload of choices we have ? Curious to hear and learn about you.