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In my previous post I declared my diet and the dancing 5 ryhtms to be the basis of my re-found energy. But I have forgotten one very important tool that my coach Noella has thought me : put yourself in the different NLP perceptual positions. This exercise has made me aware that I lived the maior part of my live in 3th position or as an observer not really taking part of live myself, everthing passing by at a distance. I also have spend quite some time in 2nd position where I feel very sensitively the moods of others that I tended to relate to myself as a reason. (This by the way is typical for highly sensitive people).
The position that I am hardly in is 1st position. The position in which you are aware of yourself, your body and also of what you believe in, the position in which you defend what you stand for. Noella explained me that this is typically a position that is highly developped during puberty period. I say this for 2 reasons. First : I have not lived an intense puberty, I mostly behaved as I was expected to, I was hardly ever a rebel. Second : When I excercised in being in 1st position I really felt like wanting to rebel, tell what I want because I like it like that, I even found myself not controlling my own power (for instance in opening a door) or talk too loudly when defending my point of view. This as well gave me a boost of energy. Doing what I want to do without a break on myself. Great … I really enjoyed it even though I found it scary as well from time to time.
In the meantime I have been able to channel this extra energy in a better way (dancing 5rythms has helped me in this). But I do consciously put myself in 1st position when I feel I am living my life at a distance or feeling too much the other peoples moods, when I want to feel stronger and centered.
How I do this ? By getting in contact again with my body, feeling my legs touch the ground, feeling my arms, my whole body, my head – by feeling the inside of my body. This helps me to come back to myself.
I have used this recently – only then I became fully aware of this possibility – in a discussion with my HR director as I felt I got lost in my feelings, feeling attacked and sensing that I was retreating in 3rd position as I used to do. It pulled me completely back into the discussion calmly but firmly stating what I needed to know.
1st position is the position that I want to find myself primarely in to defend what I stand for.
I do understand of course that my strength of being in 2nd and 3rd position will help me greatly in my coaching career.
To be continued …

I feel full of energy again & it feels great 🙂

What lead up to this ?

Well first of all I am convinced that my sabbatical without specific deadlines & rushing has helped a lot. But there is more. Why else did it take me almost 9 months to get fully back on track.

First of all there is my diet. After having read the book ‘Homo energeticus’ from Peter Aelbrecht I have followed his proposed diet. I have re-introduced fish and eggs (special Columbus eggs, I have a tendency for high cholestorol) since I ate animal proteins before my puberty (for more details I refer to the book itself). Each day I eat leguminous plants, nuts and seeds on top of once vegetal proteins and once animal proteins and vegetables and 5 pieces of fruit. I did not loose the kilo’s that I would loose as a side affect but this is really of less importance.

Besides the new diet I have also started 5 rythms danse (only 3 times now) but I feel it is ‘moving’ me not only fysically but also mentally as my coach had predicted.

Both feel good … it is the right direction for me for now …

On the job side no new info. A next meeting with my HR director is planned for September 17th.

In the meantime I enjoy every minute of the last month of my sabbatical preparing for a new and fresh professional start.
