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I  am changing lives. What a big decision… Not easy to take. You get stuck so easily in a golden cage. Very hard to get out or just step out.

This makes me think about a comment an instructor gave me more than a year ago at the end of an influencing course just before my sabbatical. You will open your cage now, make sure you step out of it to know or understand what is outside.

There is also the story about the baby elephants that are chained at the foot. As a baby they try to break lose but they are not strong enough and as time passes they omit or forget to try convinced that it won’t work anyhow.  Once they are strong enough to break the chain they have forgotten to try…

Some animals that get used to their cage will not risk stepping out once the cage is opened afraid for the unknown.

For me it hurts to let go of my … luxury …

I am or was quite well paid with a lot of financial advantages in my former company. Now I have decided to change jobs. Take a step down in the hierarchy and also on the financial side. Although I am convinced that I will live an exciting and more peaceful live with a much better work-life balance I still have from time to time an akward feeling of having to let go of the luxury. From time to time it pops up and the feeling can be quite strong. Luckily I come back to the ‘who do I want to be’ feeling in the end. And the balance still goes in favor of my taken decision.

What is sure is that changing does bring fear of the unknown (which for me is less applicable) but also and more important for me the mourning of letting go what you had or what you leave behind. It was nice and it has served me for that time. It was the best thing for me at that time. Now it is time for something new, something that suits better ‘who I want to be’ now.

It gives me a great and proud feeling to be brave enough to take this step.

It also helps me advance in my coaching carreer which I develop in parallel of my job. Not only the flexibility of the job enables me to invest time in my side job, my own experience of daring to change my life enables me to help and guide others that think about a life change. I help them bring more clarity in their drive, their dreams, ‘who they want to be’ by exploring all the different elements that come into play for them. And I stay along side them during the potential change to sheer them up when they are having a difficult time, to bring them to ‘who they want to be’. Change as such should not be the driver, only the clarity on ‘who you want to be’. The motivation needs to be a ‘towards’ not an ‘away from’ to be strong and sustainable.

INNER STRENGTH – By internalizing spirituality, living in the moment, being present, being conscious you bring inner peace & inner balance as a sound basis in your life to live an active life in a challenging and rapidly changing environment.

Spirituality or your inner strength as part of your current active life to fully enjoy and live life enthusiaticly!

I also have lived a stresses, never fully happy, empty, rushing, ‘searching for short & rapid pleasures’ live. I did not know what could exist outside of that as this was the only kind of life I had ever lived and seen around me. Until I stepped into the adventure of discovering myself, my inner self on my pace. I know there is a different life out there. That everyone can live. Only essential thing is to discover your inner self, your inner strength and keep in contact with it.

With that bagage you can then step into your active, challenging life and make the correct choices that correspond with ‘who you are’, ‘who you want to be’, ‘the consciousness you want to be’. You hold this vision within yourself and use it as your inner kompass to make the best choices.