I feel full of energy again & it feels great šŸ™‚

What lead up to this ?

Well first of all I am convinced that my sabbatical without specific deadlines & rushing has helped a lot. But there is more. Why else did it take me almost 9 months to get fully back on track.

First of all there is my diet. After having read the book ‘Homo energeticus’ from Peter Aelbrecht I have followed his proposed diet. I have re-introduced fish and eggs (special Columbus eggs, I have a tendency for high cholestorol) since I ate animal proteins before my puberty (for more details I refer to the book itself). Each day I eat leguminous plants, nuts and seeds on top of once vegetal proteins and once animal proteins andĀ vegetables and 5 pieces of fruit. I did not loose the kilo’s that I would loose as a side affect but this is really of less importance.

Besides the new diet I have also started 5 rythms danse (only 3 times now) but I feel it is ‘moving’ me not only fysically but also mentally as my coach had predicted.

Both feel good …Ā it is the right direction for me for now …

On the job side no new info. A next meeting with my HR director is planned for September 17th.

In the meantime I enjoy every minute of the last month of my sabbatical preparing for a new and fresh professional start.
